Welcome to Derby’s Cultural Education Partnership (DCEP) an initiative which has been developed in response to the Arts Council of England’s Cultural Education Challenge, launched in October 2015.
We are a close-knit and progressive city packed with cultural assets and learning opportunities. Together we work closely with The Mighty Creatives, the East Midlands Bridge organisation, providing high-quality cultural experiences across our city.
The partnership is steered by Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisations: Derby Theatre, QUAD, Déda, Derby Museums, Sinfonia ViVA, Baby People and EMCCAN (East Midlands Caribbean Carnival Arts Network).
Our vision is to provide every child and young person with opportunities to thrive in our city and experience of a variety of culture to develop their skills, life chances and fulfil their highest ambitions. DCEP actively seeks to develop this network through building partnerships between young people, cultural venues, education settings, local businesses and other local organisations.
For more information about Derby’s Cultural Education Partnership and the related opportunities please contact Cultural Education Producer Alix Manning-Jones at a.manning-jones@derby.ac.uk